How wonderful to finally make it to Baltimore after several less than wonderful travel mishaps. Wonderful Donna Dillman-Butler and her hubby Wayne were nice enough to pick us up at the airport even though the plane was over 8 hours late in arriving. Kathryn Ottman, the event organizer not only does a fabulous coordination job, but she picked a great venue too. It even was adjacent to an Outback Steakhouse. My hubby was especially sorry he couldn't come for that reason alone. Most of the event teachers are in the photo above (from left to right: Tony Aquino, Christi Friesen, Kathryn Ottman, Yours Truly, Nan Rocke, Julie Picarello, Lynne Anne Schwarzenberg (in cognito), Kim Korringa, and Jana Roberts Benzon (ala boa). Missing were: Victoria Hughes, Barbara McGuire, Kelly Russell, and Sarah Shriver who showed up later in the festivities).
It was another chance to see old friends who came as teachers and students, not to mention the making of new ones. The week was totally amazing and as always, I spent way too much money in the store. Mid week, many of us road-tripped it to Polymer Clay Express for more shopping fun and a preview of the new "Dream Machine" clay roller.
Yet another delightful evening found Sarah Shriver, Haley Hertz, myself and our pals from over the ocean: Alison Gallant (who also attended my London workshop) and Frances White from Ireland searching for some late night dining. When we ran out of our preferred options, it became an evening of Rootie Tootie, Fresh and Fruity hilarity with Sarah regaling us with tales of her childhood IHOP experiences.
Before heading back, Haley and I had one afternoon following the instructor round table to explore nearby Washington D.C. It was such a treat to be a teacher at this event and my thanks go out once again to Kathryn Ottman at Polymer Clay Fests. As always, more photos can be seen under the gallery section, see Cabin Fever.